Service Level Agreement

Product Support

WebFly4 provide free technical support and installation support for all our products.

No Third-Party Support

Unless we explicitly agree otherwise in writing, we will only provide support to your Direct Customers and not to customers of any other company/entity. We reserve the sole right to decide which customers are Direct Customers and which customers are not.

Response Times

WebFly4 will respond to any Technical Support, Billing Queries, and Sales Queries. We will use to a minimum of 90% of Valid Queries within 2 hrs of the query being lodged, and to provide the relevant customer with an effective answer to their query within 4 hours of the query being lodged.

Money Back Policy

We recommend if any queries contact us before purchasing the actual service or product and we won't provide any refund for services or products. But if any glitches and we're unable to fix then we will refund 50% of your money within the 60 days after the refund request. For getting this refund you need to submit the request within 24 hours after your first payment.

Prices and Plans

All prices and plans are subject to change with prior notice of 45 Days. Any change in monthly fees will apply to your next service period, but will not be payable for your current service period.

Termination of Service

You may cancel the products or services at any time by providing WebFly4 with the cancellation request.